Sunday, April 12, 2009

"I Miss You"

What happens when you miss someone so much that you cant hide your emotions back, you crave for her to be with you, spend sometime with you and smile in a way that even the stars fade in the brightness of her face. Really cant do anything when she's far away thinking of everything she possibly could except you........she doesn't know someone misses her.....someone feels for.........

you think of the time spent together and try to live in it.......this is exactly what the feeling was when i wrote this poem that i'm going to share with you.....i just hope someone doesn't have to take his/her awful time to read this ;)

My life has never been the same since i met you,
How should i explain, what i feel about you.

I'm in love with your voice, ever since i heard it,
now i wanna be there where you are and fall in love with you.

I feel so cold and lonely with you so far away,
i wish i could be with you, is what i pray everyday.

It was winter the last time i spoke to you,
every moment that lapsed behind i could see myself in you.

your voice so smooth and shivery in the breeze of the night,
it creeped in me as i breathed, with the moon shining bright.

I could feel the warmth inside me as if i've hugged you,
there's so much to say but i can't say it to you.

I wished you remember that someone down the lane,
thinks of you and every night before he closes his eyes he says "I Miss You"


  1. nice poem. looks like cupid has struck you hard.
    good going. awaiting more of these kind

  2. This was written long time back...about 7 - 8 months subject watsoever. wrote it in my training room while the sir was boring me :)and cupid doesn't come into picture here...he's forgotten my address!!
